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Save costs and reduce risks across Fleet Management, Legal, Finance and Redeliveries. Understand benchmarks around data that will reveal your own expense structures around financing costs and bring these into your route profitability analysis.

Welcome to LeaseWorks, the ultimate aircraft lease management software. Our products provide you with comprehensive solutions to help you manage the technical, financial and contractual risks associated with your financed assets. Here’s a list of what our software can do for you:

Centralize Asset Management

  • Keep track of financing terms in one place and receive compliance alerts to avoid any missed deadlines or requirements
  • Centralize Technical and Financing Terms: Access all lease and financing rates, reserves, escalations and contract terms for all assets in one place
  • Industry Benchmarking: Understand current terms in the context of industry benchmarks, giving you the tools you need to make informed decisions
  • Invoice Payment Tracking: Track invoice payments to ensure compliance with lease terms, avoiding any unexpected surprises
  • Future Payment Commitments: Stay informed of future payment commitments to help you plan and manage your finances better
  • Fleet Status and Lease Terms Reporting: Get real-time information about your leased assets and make informed decisions about fleet management
  • Maintenance Information System (MIS) Integration: Automate monthly utilization reporting to lessors by integrating with MIS systems. Feed your maintenance events and plan redelivery conditions
  • Shop Visit Planning: Plan for the shop visit scope and cost, relative to return conditions
  • Key Term Alerts: Receive alerts when key terms such as purchase options, insurance or LOC expirations are approaching
  • Market Value vs. Book Value Comparison: Compare market values vs. book values to ensure you’re getting the best deals possible

Better Insights Into Your Cash Flows

  • Cash Flow Projections: Get a clear understanding of the risks associated with your lease agreements with visual modeling of cash flows on end of lease adjustments (EOLA)
  • Reserve Outflow and Inflow Projections: Project reserve outflow and inflow based on maintenance events to ensure your cash flows remain stable
  • Valuation Impact: Understand the cash flow impact on valuation to make informed decisions
  • Buy Out and Sale Lease Back Options: Use metrics to make decisions on buy-out options and sale lease backs, ensuring you always have the best financing options available
  • Payment Commitment Tracking: Track payment commitments such as PDPs for new deliveries
  • Lease vs. Buy Decisions: Get help with lease vs. buy decisions with order book pricing and future financing needs
  • Delivery Deferral Impact: Understand the impact when future deliveries are deferred, ensuring you are always prepared for any changes

Increase Productivity

  • Mobile Access: Turn any place into your office with mobile access to critical technical or contract information
  • Document Management: Store and access technical and deal-related documents in one place, making it easy to find what you need
  • Workflows: Use workflows to help coordinate tasks between different departments, ensuring everyone is on the same page
  • Document Access: Access documents from anywhere, making it easy to stay productive even when you’re not in the office

Order Book Management

  • Create a pricing book for aircraft based on build-up and equipment list with yearly escalations
  • Review yearly financing needs for future deliveries
  • Easily change delivery year for automatic repricing of aircraft and financing needs
  • Compare lease vs. debt finance options
  • Understand contractual obligations on various leases

RFP Management

  • Centralize contact database of financial counterparties and past meetings
  • Create aircraft RFP campaigns and track pricing bid trends
  • Secure portal for counterparties to bid and share aircraft details
  • Keep track of technical requirements and RFP terms in one place
  • Formulate future strategy based on counter party profiles
  • Real-time IRR/NPV analytics to evaluate deals
  • Discover lessors that operate specific aircraft and engines types
  • Centralize lessor information to provide data-driven intelligence
  • Segment lessors by geography, fleet statistics, or other metrics

Contract Management

  • Support for all lease contract terms including rent types, letter of credit terms, insurance expirations, end of lease renewals and more
  • Centralize contract management with alerts on key milestones
  • Document management for easy access to contract information

Streamline Reporting

  • Extract FH, FC and other metrics from MRO systems and transmit to lessors
  • Stay on top of MR accumulation and reconcile invoices electronically
  • Forecast end of lease compensation for better event management
  • Issue MR claim invoices for shop visits through integration with third party systems

Customizable Reporting

  • Create custom reports or customize pre-made reports
  • Customize fields to track additional metrics unique to your contract terms
  • Workflow engine for coordinating tasks across multiple departments

Centralize Technical Info for Smarter Decision Making

  • Generate spec sheets and disk sheets in different formats
  • Manage airframe, engines, LLPs, APU and landing gears
  • Maintain engine database to drive behavior for large fleets
  • Use nomenclature to support Boeing and Airbus aircraft structural repairs
  • Keep track of ADs and SBs
  • Maintain equipment database and list by ATA Chapter
  • Use templates for technical, delivery and re-delivery audits
  • Plan lease return, redelivery and delivery projects using templates
  • Forecast future PRs based on harsh or benign conditions
  • Attach technical documents and photos
  • Search and find info or documents by MSN, ESN or keywords

Predict SV & MR Exposures

  • Track tech details around shop visits and performance restorations
  • Use real time projection of maintenance events and PR for aircraft or fleet
  • Manage reserve during shop visits
  • Integrate project plans to coordinate tasks during shop visits, deliveries or audits
  • Use templates for document checklists and inspections for different types of events

Understand Risk Exposure & Cashflows

  • Use forecasts to evaluate shop visit timing and maintenance reserve impact
  • Vary operating conditions, FH/FC, intervals etc. to understand effect on forecast
  • Support top ups, lessor contributions and second lease periods
  • Project EOLA payments based on MR rates and return conditions
  • Calculate NPV, IRR and cash in-cash out based on purchase price
  • Consider IRR sensitivity around different purchase price intervals
  • Incorporate artificial intelligence (planned)

Giving You the Power to Customize

Add your own fields to track additional metrics or KPIs that are unique to your technical needs.

Build your own dashboards to answer important questions with sample reports, including:

  • Aircraft Technical Report
  • Engines & LLP Condition
  • Monthly Utilization & MR Reports
  • ADs and SBs
  • Equipment List By ATA Chapter
  • Lowest Limiter Across Engine Portfolio
  • Next Event And Reserve Coverage/Shortfall Across Fleet

Improve Productivity

  • Use LeaseWorks to access insightful data from any location
  • Use mobile devices to complete everyday tasks
  • Generate spec sheets, review lowest LLP limiters or shop visits details from any where
  • Use an embedded workflow engine to coordinate tasks across departments.