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Why Leaseworks

With a growing portfolio of leased aircraft in the industry, lessors and airlines need to make quick strategic decisions with real-time data to secure new business opportunities. The LeaseWorks advantage is a comprehensive platform that revolutionizes the way airlines and lessors get business done by leveraging innovative digital tools.

The LeaseWorks Advantage: Transforming the Future of Airline Leasing

Current Issues

Why You Need LeaseWorks

Without an integrated information system that serves the needs of technical, asset management and commercial teams, organizations are faced with a number of decision-making challenges:

  1. No access to real-time metrics and data across technical, asset management and commercial teams
  2. Information silos resulting in lost time and poor portfolio decisions
  3. Decisions based on disconnected Excel files and emails
  4. Inability to view or benchmark business trends
  5. Staffing challenges when scaling

Our Key Advantages

How LeaseWorks Can Help

Real-Time Data: With LeaseWorks, you can search and find information on any device, giving you up-to-date information whenever and wherever you need it.

Smart Decisions: With LeaseWorks, you can gain confidence in decisions based on real-time data organized in a way that is optimized for your business

Identify Key Trends: With LeaseWorks, you can visualize data trends and correlate them with benchmarks, making it easier to identify patterns and opportunities for growth.

Manage Your Risk: With LeaseWorks, you receive automatic reminders on critical milestones and dates across your portfolio, reducing the risk of costly errors and delays.

Scale Effectively: LeaseWorks can help you grow your organization by leveraging technology, optimizing staff and increasing productivity.

The Leading Edge

Intuitive, Easy-to-use Features That Empower You

LeaseWorks leverages modern technologies for the web and mobile to give you a platform that is always fresh, easy to use and intuitive. We incorporate social project management, social collaboration, instant messaging and mobile access to help you collaborate on your assets and reduce risk. With real-time data at your fingertips, you can make the right decisions at the right time.

Updates Even When You Sleep

The Advantage of Cloud-Based Software

LeaseWorks is built in the cloud, so improvements to your system happen in the background each quarter, with very little effort. More importantly, you don’t have to wait for years for new features or enhancements to be integrated into the product.

100% Customizable

A Solution That Adapts to Your Needs

LeaseWorks allows you to add your own custom fields, change screen layouts, create your own reports or dashboards and configure workflows and notifications. All these capabilities ensure that the system adapts to the way you work vs. the other way around.

Lightning Speed

Quick Response Times

LeaseWorks is built on Salesforce.com’s multi-billion dollar infrastructure where system response times are measured in milliseconds. This ensures that your team is always productive, reducing data entry time and streamlining operations.

In conclusion, the LeaseWorks advantage is a powerful platform that can transform the way you approach aircraft leasing. By leveraging real-time data, innovative digital tools and cutting-edge features, you can streamline operations, reduce costs and achieve greater success in a highly competitive industry.

Certifications and Recognition

  • FedRAMP
  • GDPR
  • UK Cyber Essentials Plus
  • Disaster Recovery and BCP
  • Financial Services Compliance